A University Can Pick Two of These Three Things

From Wired Science Blogs: Dot Physics

A recent trend seems to be the evaluation of higher education institutions. I’m not sure about other states, but in Louisiana the state funding each university receives is partly based on “performance metrics”. Personally, I think all of these things are just silly. At one point or another, I have heard administrators and politicians saying the following are important:

  • High Standards: The University will have meaningful and challenging classes.
  • Open Admissions: The great thing about the USA is that everyone gets a chance. Everyone should have a chance to get a college education.
  • High Production: Ok, I hate that term but it’s about what they say. What they really mean is high graduation rate or a large number of students that graduate.

Yes, there are other things that you could want from a university – like low cost, but let me stick with these three things.

Before I complain… Read more>>