Time magazine is just an embarrassing Internet troll now

From Salon

Remember Time magazine?

Back in the day, Time was considered a prestigious publication that could elevate people and stories into historical importance.

That was then.

Now, Time is best known as the figurehead at the sinking prow of the Titanic newsmagazine industry.

As industry analysts noticed last year, Time’s 2012 performance was one of the worst in the rapidly collapsing newsmagazine business. In 2013, newsmagazines had another down year according to the same analysts. And in the first half of 2014, the consumer magazine market as a whole experienced even more decline, as the Wall Street Journal recently reported.

As evidence of Time’s lack of with-it-ness, the website’s list of most frequently read articles by Time.com readers includes “best times to buy clothing,” an announcement from Google, and a slew of articles about Hurricane Sandy.

Last year, the magazine’s editors grappled with the weighty decision of whether to award its still coveted “Person of the Year” award to Pope Francis, the reigning leader of a religion practiced by more than 1.1 billion people, or Miley Cyrus, someone who makes a living by sticking her tongue out. Read more>>