My Teacher Evaluation was affected because I couldn’t work free overtime to finish data entry…

Reblogged from Teacher Teacher Diaries…

I came home crushed today…my spirit shattered…my morale broken. Sometimes I feel like being a teacher in the public school system is like being in a dysfunctional relationship where you just keep finding reasons to justify the abuse you’re accepting. It’s like the battered woman that finds every reason to stay, because at the end of the day…it’s for the kids right? When is enough, enough?

I am writing this because I was literally penalized on my teacher evaluation because my family duties and responsibilities prohibit me from working free overtime. And do I still work overtime? Oh yes! Absolutely! Perfect example…on Friday I stayed on campus til 7pm. But that was mainly organizing materials for Science and Math. Writing a Science Assessment, grading papers, setting up my small groups and lessons for the following week, and cleaning the room.  Is that me being professional? I guess it depends on who you ask… Read more>>