Obama’s Education Legacy: The Destruction of the Public School System

Reblogged from CLEMSY’S CORNER

I would like to welcome guest author and progressive education activist extraordinaire Kipp Dawson to Clemsy’s Corner, in a follow up to my last post. This short, but eloquent, message to the president illustrates what will, indeed, be the flaw in his legacy:

Dear President Obama,

While I abhor the scurrilous racist attacks which have been hurled on you, I must respond to you from the opposite corner of the room.

Your recent statements on the over-testing of our children came like salt into the gaping wounds your administration has inflicted on our public education system. I speak here as a teacher, a parent, a citizen, a human on this planet of ours.

Starting with the unbelievable (I wish) concept that schools and cities should compete against one another for funding for their schools (“RACE to the top,” really?!) to each and all of your DoE’s undermining of our public schools, teachers, and communities — historians will have to put on your “legacy” list the destruction of public education in our country.

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