NEA Whiffs Again


Back in the day, NEA leadership should have picked up a clue that they’d backed the wrong horse when they published this article in 2013. “10 Things You Should Know About the Common Core” included such notable observations as “Most NEA Members Support the Common Core,” and while you might get a chuckle out of the rest of the list, the real harbinger is in the long, blistering comments section. The average NEA Today article does not exactly draw large or lively response, but this piece drew 325 rather angry comments asking what, exactly, that author was smoking. NEA was either ignorant of or deliberately trying to rope in the large number of anti-Core members.

The author was Tim Walker, and last week he offered a look at personalized learning, and once again NEA either doesn’t get it or is trying to stick it to members.

As with NEA support for the Core, Walker starts the article by implicitly accepting that current schools (you know– the ones where NEA members work) pretty much suck.

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