CURMUDGUCATION: The Teacher in the Next Room

The Teacher in the Next Room

The Education Week Research Center has released a study of teachers and their political attitudes and actions. If it is even remotely accurate, it has one huge implication for teachers who are advocates for public education– never mind trying to influence the public but instead, see if you can influence the teacher in the room next to yours.

The sample size was made up of 555 teachers, 266 school leaders, 202 district leaders, and 99
other school or district employees, so that’s a little disproportionate. So is the sampling of two-thirds female and one-third male, which doesn’t quite match the lopsidedly female makeup of the nation’s teaching staff. They did get the 81% white part right. And the sample skewed “experienced, with 51% having over twenty years on the job. They were spread across the country among schools of varying size and poverty level.

Source: CURMUDGUCATION: The Teacher in the Next Room