76 Reasons (and More?) Why Children Don’t Read Well, and What to Do About It


The NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) reading scores are flat, and everyone is wondering why. I thought I’d create a list. Why aren’t America’s students reading better? What can schools and parents do about it? I love brainstorming when it comes to teaching reading, as you can tell. Here are some ideas. If you have thoughts to share, please do. Everyone has good suggestions about this topic.

  1. Invest in beautiful school libraries with updated books.
  2. Expect a qualified librarian to work in the school library.
  3. Stop making learning to read sound like an emergency.
  4. Quit treating kindergartners like they should already be reading.
  5. Quit testing children so much.
  6. Teach all children a variety of subjects.
  7. End Common Core State Standards.
  8. Give teachers back their classrooms.
  9. Value parents.
  10. Stop pushing children to read before they’re ready.
  11. Quit holding up third grade as the “read or die” grade.

Source: 76 Reasons (and More?) Why Children Don’t Read Well, and What to Do About It