Why Merging DOE with DOL is Wrong! Education is for Children, NOT Corporations

Moms and Dads, when you looked into your newborn’s eyes for the first time, did you think, I wonder what job our government will steer our baby into?

A merger of the Department of Education (DOE) with the Department of Labor (DOL) is about just that.

Here’s a quote from this administration’s manual called “Delivering Government Solutions in the 21st Century: Reform Plan and Reorganization” (p.23-28).

The workforce development program consolidation would centralize and better coordinate Federal efforts to train the American workforce, reduce administrative costs, and make it easier for States and localities to run programs to meet the comprehensive needs of their workforce. (p.23)

Where is the word child or teen in that quote?

Source: Why Merging DOE with DOL is Wrong! Education is for Children, NOT Corporations