People Who Don’t Pay Attention to Public Schools

The other day, I was riding with my husband, who is a pretty good driver. On this day, he maneuvered a busy intersection with his usual aplomb, and out from behind some trees appeared a pedestrian, a young woman, totally self-absorbed, looking down, her ear phones snugly attached. My husband, swerved in the right direction and we avoided a terrible mishap.

About an inch from our stopped car, she stared into the window, smiled and mouthed “I’m sorry,” and continued on her way, head down, earphones secure.

“Pay attention!” I wanted to yell, but I was too shaken, couldn’t get the window down in time, and she wouldn’t have heard me.

Many people in this country remind me of this girl when it comes to public schools. They are not fully aware of what’s happening to one of our most sacred democratic institutions. They are definitely not looking in both directions as they cross the street.

They’re distracted by reforms that sound nice. Or they’re mesmerized by the reformers.

Source: People Who Don’t Pay Attention to Public Schools