Quit Saying Special Ed. Costs Too Much! 8 Cost-Cutting Signs to Watch Out For

In 1975, President Gerald Ford signed Public Law 94-142. The law guaranteed every child a free appropriate public education. This positively impacted millions of children across the country. The law was later reauthorized and renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Many politicians never wanted to fund special education. From the start, there was no Rose Garden ceremony for signing the bill. Why? Shouldn’t such compassionate commitment to America’s kids be cause for a celebration? We should have been proud of a country that valued its children.

Since the signing of that law, we still have local, state, and federal policymakers who don’t want to pay for special education. IDEA gets in their way.

Now, corporate school reformers seek to privatize public schools and create charter schools for students with disabilities. When parents leave public schools they lose the protections afforded their child through IDEA.

This is not a poor nation. Legislators think nothing of giving the wealthiest Americans huge tax breaks. They find money to pay for what they prioritize.

Source: Quit Saying Special Ed. Costs Too Much! 8 Cost-Cutting Signs to Watch Out For