Michigan’s newest Teacher of the Year keeps “big rocks” glued to the back of her cell phone.
Not those kind of rocks. The three typed reminders stuck on her phone represent her top priorities as an educator – their metaphorical name taken from the work of author Stephen Covey, known for his best-selling self-help book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.
MEA member Laura Chang reacts when she is named 2018-19 Michigan Teacher of the Year
MEA member Laura Chang, a second grade teacher at Sunset Lake Elementary School in Vicksburg, was honored Friday morning as the 2018-19 Michigan Teacher of the Year at a surprise assembly attended by officials from the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), family members, and cheering students and staff at her school.
“I was shocked,” Chang said, wiping away tears at a cake and punch reception following the ceremony. “I’m just a second grade teacher, like everyone else in the building who’s working hard and passionately for kids.”
Source: New Michigan Teacher of the Year Focuses on “Big Things” – Michigan Education Association