There is a movement to privatize public education in America. Here’s how far it is has gotten. – The Washington Post

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos says her mission is to expand alternatives to traditional public schools — and a new report assesses how far she and her allies across the country have succeeded in the movement to privatize public education.

The report — issued by the Schott Foundation for Public Education and the Network for Public Education, two nonprofits that advocate for public schools — gives five states an “A+” or “A” in regard to their commitment to supporting public schools. They are Nebraska, North Dakota, West Virginia, Kentucky and South Dakota. The states with the lowest overall grades are Arizona, Florida and Georgia.

All 50 states and Washington, D.C., were evaluated on five factors:

  • Types and extent of school privatization
  • Civil rights protections for students in voucher and charter programs
  • Accountability, regulations and oversight
  • Transparency of voucher and charter programs
  • Other factors related to charter school accountability

Source: There is a movement to privatize public education in America. Here’s how far it is has gotten. – The Washington Post