Most Michigan school districts will give students at least the option of returning to classrooms, according to a study released Friday.
Source: Most Michigan students have option: Return to class or learn at home | Bridge Michigan
Most Michigan school districts will give students at least the option of returning to classrooms, according to a study released Friday.
Source: Most Michigan students have option: Return to class or learn at home | Bridge Michigan
Physical distancing should be seen as only one part of a wider public health approach.
Source: 6 feet may not always be enough distance to protect from COVID-19, new report suggests
As a public school teacher of 30 years, I have always been filled with great excitement and anticipation about a new school year. At this point every year, I find myself eager to meet a new group of students and explore new learning opportunities with them.
This year, that excitement is accompanied by great anxiety with so many uncertainties about safety amid the COVID-19 pandemic
Source: Member Voices: Give me the resources to get back into the classroom – Michigan Education Association
Michigan families worried about COVID-19 likely want to know if the virus has made its way into their children’s schools.
But unless their sons or daughters are known to have been in direct contact for at least 15 minutes with an infected person, they may not find out.
Source: Coronavirus at your Michigan school? Odds are, nobody has to tell you.. | Bridge Michigan
The Farmers’ Almanac is out for this year and it’s predicting — wait for it — “cold and snow.”
Source: Farmers’ Almanac out with Michigan, Great Lakes winter predictions
Software that can grade an essay is the great white whale of automating education. If software could actually score an essay effectively, data-mining personalized [sic] algorithm-delivered edu-product could work with more than just multiple choice and true or false questions. I’ve written a plenty about why this great white whale is not going to be landed any time soon. But let me give you a specific example of how bad one product really is, even though it’s getting funding from the Gates Foundation.
Source: CURMUDGUCATION: How Bad Is This Gates-Funded Essay Cyber-Scorer? This Bad.