Fear of coronavirus forces Eastern Michigan University online — for now | Bridge Michigan

Fearing a repeat of the coronavirus outbreaks that have occurred on other campuses, Eastern Michigan University is moving virtually all classes online for the beginning of the semester and delaying student housing move-in for three weeks.

Source: Fear of coronavirus forces Eastern Michigan University online — for now | Bridge Michigan

School Officials Should Pass Safer Reopening Plans, Not Beg For Protection From Liability | gadflyonthewallblog

Don’t tell me what to do.

But don’t hold me accountable for what I do, either.

That seems to be the position of school officials on reopening classes during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Source: School Officials Should Pass Safer Reopening Plans, Not Beg For Protection From Liability | gadflyonthewallblog

County declares health emergency as Central Michigan Uni. cases rise

Isabella County, home to Central Michigan University, has declared a health emergency as COVID-19 cases continue to grow after large parties by students.

“We have seen a large increase in cases since students returned to the Mt. Pleasant area. Our investigations have shown that the majority of these cases had attended large social gatherings. Restrictions on the size of outdoor gatherings, along with other preventive measures, will help us reduce the spread of this virus,” said Steve Hall, health officer for the Central Michigan District Health Department, in a news release.

County data shows that in the third week of August there was a 350% increase in the number of COVID-19 cases compared with the previous week, when students were moving in. Central Michigan is running face-to-face classes.

Source: County declares health emergency as Central Michigan Uni. cases rise

Opinion | Michigan colleges should move online to help K-12 schools reopen | Bridge Michigan

With so much attention being paid to whether or not we will be able to safely open PreK-12 schools for in-person instruction this fall, it’s easy to overlook the tens of thousands of students heading to our colleges and universities. This influx of students has the potential to increase the spread of the virus in our communities, including K-12 schools. We’ve seen universities like Michigan State justifiably shift course in recent days given the seriousness of the virus and we’d encourage others to follow suit.

It’s nothing new for our discussions of K-12 and higher education to occur in their respective silos, but the COVID-19 pandemic highlights just how interrelated they are.

Source: Opinion | Michigan colleges should move online to help K-12 schools reopen | Bridge Michigan

Tim Schwab: Bill &Melinda Gates Are Buying Favorable Coverage in the Media | Diane Ravitch’s blog

It’s rare indeed to read a critical article about how Bill & Melinda Gates use their vast wealth to burnish their image as the greatest benefactors of all time. This article by freelance journalist Tim Schwab, published in the Columbia Journalism Review, documents how the Gates have purchased a larger-than-life portrayal of themselves by strategic investments in the media.

With rare exceptions, the Gates’s have subsidized publications likely to write about them and guaranteed that they would be portrayed favorably. By doing so, they have undermined freedom of the press while assuring favorable treatment for themselves.

Source: Tim Schwab: Bill &Melinda Gates Are Buying Favorable Coverage in the Media | Diane Ravitch’s blog

The Possibilities & Perils Of Teaching & Learning With Tech | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

I’ve been leading some professional development sessions for our school’s staff this summer.

I thought readers might find three of the slides from my most recent one useful – on the possibilities and perils of tech.

Let me know what you think.

Source: The Possibilities & Perils Of Teaching & Learning With Tech | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…