Coloring Books And Worksheets: What’s The Value Of ‘Staying In The Lines’? : NPR

Crayons, of course. Scented markers. Colored pencils, presharpened. And coloring books by the jillions.

Why do people like coloring so much? For grown-ups, I can totally get the nostalgia — and the simple pleasure of creating something.

But here at NPR Ed, we’re all about kids and learning. And so, as parents head to the store this summer with their back-to-school lists, we thought this question was worth a serious look:

Do coloring books have any educational value? Do they squash creativity like a bug or, as some sites suggest, promote the development of fine motor skills?

Source: Coloring Books And Worksheets: What’s The Value Of ‘Staying In The Lines’? : NPR