Venting My Cynicism: The Insanity of the Marzano Evaluation System…

You have to laugh at the state of education in Florida (and to some extent, the US). While NAEP scores continue to rise throughout the country for 30+ years, you still have people screaming for the latest fad to save us. In the case of Florida, they bought into Marzano’s “causal” framework.

Let’s start with the most obvious problem: it’s ridiculously convoluted. If I were asked to create a parody of an evaluation system, I couldn’t possibly make something more hilarious than Marzano. Even they state it “works best” with a year of planning and training. What the hell kind of evaluation system requires a year of EITHER, yet alone both? (Answer: A very bad one.) If you are going to invest this kind of time (and the resources) into a program, you better have extremely high expectations for it. Sadly, pretty much everyone with a modicum of intelligence knows that this is not going to change anything (yet alone significantly for the better). It shouldn’t be necessary to have to tell ostensibly well-educated people this, but a simpler (and thus more easily/better understood) system will work better than a complicated one.

How many “elements” (items) are in it? The answer is 60, in four “domains” (edu-speak for “areas”; you can’t charge $23/book for using simple language!). The evaluation system would be better as a bulleted list of “suggestions”–it would have saved millions of dollars. In that role (a list of “good suggestions”), Marzano is just fine.

Source: Venting My Cynicism: The Insanity of the Marzano Evaluation System…